Sunday, 10 January 2010


Snow is wonderful stuff. God's (or any other deity's) shaking of the Etch-a-sketch of life, is seems.The pure serenity of calm that is inevitably experienced just following the onset of a snowfall is quite a magical experience. Getting out there before anyone else has braved their walking boots is quite a wonderful thing. Tramping those first footsteps into pristine snow, being the first agent of chaos amongst a now-perfect scene of white and purity, whilst all ills of the former earth are temporarily disguised beneath this virgin veil.

However, I cannot wait for the snow that has engulfed, certainly my part of the UK, to go away. This is not because of the fact that I dislike cold, although it is true that I do not. It is not because I don't like slippery driving conditions - on the contrary, I find them a refreshing challenge. It is simply because that, although I have learnt how to drive safely on snow, shovel the snow off the top of my car, make sure I top up my antifreeze before winter starts, etc., many people have not. The sheer idiocy that takes place on the roads in the UK after a snowfall is quite amazing. Cases in point: [Begin Rant]

KM09 NZD - you are officially a menace. Not only did you undertake in the left-hand lane, you did so in very icy conditions and nearly took out three pedestrians. Go away, you silly, silly boy. 

DA08 EYB - there's a reason that you remove snow off the roof of your car. First, it cools your car, second it can fly off as a sheet and nearly WIPE OUT OTHER DRIVERS... are NOT God's gift to driving, you're a VERY NAUGHTY BOY!!'

[End rant]

This is all quite rediculous. Self-critical question: Do I feel bad that I have just invaded the privacy of two drivers? No. That is because I haven't. The only way to get these persons details is to access the DVLA and Police (and/or insurers) databases. Which I can't, and neither can most people. However, when someone wants to buy either of these cars, then if they do a Google search, they will probably find this, and my work is done.

I hope that the snow does leave soon - as much as I find fascinating the photographs from space that show the UK covered in near total ice, I would like the roads to regain some sense of normality...'s not a lot to ask.

Sapere Aude,


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